Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Art of the Ask:

Obtaining Authorizations for Supported Employment and Short-Term Supports

As we visit with employment specialists and community employment providers around Indiana, we’re hearing a common question: “Why aren’t our clients receiving authorizations for supported employment or on-the-job supports short-term hours?”

Sometimes we hear variations on the theme, with varying degrees of desperation, depending on the circumstances. 
  • “We have to stabilize people right away because we don’t have an authorization for SE hours!”
  • “He’s not stable, he needs more support, but I’ve called the VRC and asked for hours and am not getting them!” 
  • “We can’t go on providing services for free!”

After a bit of investigation, we think we have some answers for you. If your supported employee has been on the job for four weeks, you may have to ASK, and not just via phone call or email. Using the Employment Support and Retention Plan (ESRP) is the only way to obtain authorizations for additional supported employment or short-term job support hours. 

Need some help on how to do that? This post covers the intricacies (not really—we’ll walk you through it) of using the ESRP to obtain authorization from your vocational rehabilitation counselor for supported employment or short-term support hours. (If you need a refresher on how to use the ESRP, watch this video: https://youtu.be/iP-EQ9oYqVM)

Requesting supported employment hours

The VR Manual now states that it’s best practice for VR counselors to authorize between 30-60 hours of supported employment at the time of job placement for supported employees who have an MSD (Most Significant Disability) designation. The 30-60 hours is for the first three months of employment. If, however, your supported employee who has an MSD designation is NOT receiving supported employment, use the ESRP to request authorization. 

As an employment specialist or consultant, your best practice should include completing the ESRP to request supported employment hours or on-the-job supports short-term so that there isn’t a gap in services for the employee you’re supporting. In other words, don’t rely on an automatic authorization even if your employee has an MSD designation. Fill out the ESRP! It’s not only your key to authorizations, it’s also required for completion of Milestone 2. 

The following chart illustrates three different supported employment scenarios, each of which requires an ESRP request. It’s important to remember that supported employment is available for ALL job seekers whose severity level is designated as MSD. For job seekers whose severity level is designated as NSD (Non-Significant Disability) or SD (Significant Disability), you will request on-the-job supports short term. Take a look:

Supported Employment Authorization Decision Graphic. Click on the link to see a larger view. 

How do I ask for supported employment hours or on-the-job supports short-term hours?

Simple answer: by completing the Employment Support and Retention Plan! All authorizations for supported employment or short-term support hours must be requested through the ESRP (as stated in the VRS Manual). There is no discretion around this document’s use: It is a formal requirement for access to authorized support services.

*For more information on providing additional supports within the first four weeks on the job, consult pages 13-16 of the VR Manual.
**Short-term job supports typically last for 3-6 months, whereas supported employment supports can remain up to 24 months.  

Print-and-save resources!

And one more suggestion: Create a mobile, supported employment resource file, where you can keep copies of each of these guides, so you can capture information and complete your ESRP on the road and as you meet with clients. Avoid a service gap: Fill out the form as you go and don’t wait until that first four weeks has flown by!

Take pity on your VRC; they really do need to have it in writing!