Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Situational Assessments: 'Just Do It!'

Here on the blog, we’ve talked a lot about interviewing your job seeker, businesses, and people who know the job seeker well, all in an effort to learn about that person’s strengths, interests, and what might be a good job match.

Eventually, it’s time for less talk and more action. Situational assessments, a billable service that falls under Discovery in the Employment Services Model, are an opportunity for your job seeker to DO things they’re interested in, test their skills, build relationships, and have fun! Situational assessments take you one step closer to figuring out what that great job fit is going to be. Even more, you’re supporting the job seeker in developing relationships with people who have similar interests. This is great not only because it might help with getting a job, but also because you’re building the job seeker’s community connections!

Before: Setting up a situational assessment

Set up an experience where the job seeker is actively engaged and doing things. If you can’t take a picture or a video of it, it’s not a situational assessment! When setting up a situational assessment, there are several points to consider to ensure that the activity is meaningful and will help move Discovery forward. Situational assessments should:

  • be an individualized activity: That same-old standard assessment, say bagging groceries at the grocery store next to your agency, won’t achieve the purpose of the Discovery process, which requires you to link one activity to the next based on the strengths and interests of the job seeker. If you develop individualized situational assessments based on what you’ve learned so far (think strengths, skills, and interests), you have the potential to learn so much more and get one step closer to an individualized job.  
  • happen where and when it makes sense: It’s best when situations are as natural as possible.  
    • Ask yourself if a person not receiving services would engage in the activity you’re developing.
    • If it’s a volunteer situation, would a person normally volunteer at the location?
    • Discovery activities should occur where a job seeker lives, shops, and socializes and NOT in a sheltered setting. If you learn that your job seeker loves making cookies with her sister, the first situational assessment might be wherever she and her sister make cookies. Once you’ve verified skills, you may see if these skills generalize to other settings, like the bakery down the street. 
  • have a goal and a purpose: You should be able to identify the purpose of the situational assessment, and what you hope to get out of the activity. If you can’t put it into words, reconsider the activity.
  • assess multiple skills: We know it takes a lot of work to set up Discovery activities. Even though you can bill for the time it takes to set up activities, it’s wise to develop opportunities that assess different skills. You and the job seeker will be more efficient with your time!
  • build on strengths: Like any other Discovery activity, we are working toward matching job seeker strengths and skills with employer needs. When developing situational assessments, consider what conditions will help the job seeker be successful and appear competent. Do your homework to identify these strengths and be sure you know how you can effectively provide support when and if it’s needed.

During: You watch; they do

Get out of the way! Support the job seeker completing tasks and building relationships as much as needed, but don’t insert yourself in situations where you’re not needed.  There’s always a balance: do what it takes to ensure that the job seeker appears competent, but don’t step in when unnecessary. If you’re hovering, co-workers, supervisors, or others may mistakenly perceive your presence to mean that the job seeker needs more help or support than they really do. Be a wallflower and fade into the background!

Observe skills, strengths, preferences, and best ways to support a job seeker. In some cases, it may be helpful to take pictures or video of the job seeker completing tasks. You could use these later to develop a visual portfolio (an alternative to the traditional resume) that allows a person to shine with the skills they have.

Let’s watch Sherri and Corbin, below, for an example of a situational assessment. 
  • How and why did Sherri set up this specific situational assessment?
  • Where was Sherri during the situational assessment?
  • What did Sherri do?
  • What are some skills Corbin demonstrates?

After the clinic, Corbin and Keith debriefed. This was an opportunity to hear what Keith, an expert in the field, thought of Corbin’s skills. It also gave Sherri a chance to observe additional skills and learn more about Corbin’s knowledge of the game and coaching that she may not have had a chance to see on the court. 

  • What skills, strengths, and knowledge does Corbin demonstrate?
  • What do we learn from Keith?
  • What would you want to learn more about?

(Special thanks to Sherri Negri from Easterseals Crossroads, to Corbin, and to sports director Keith from the Hendricks Regional Health YMCA.)

After: Now what?

Move the Discovery process forward: You should be able to identify activities or information that led you to the situational assessment and you should be able to take next steps in the process based on information that you learned during the assessment.

Record what you’ve learned in the Discovery Profile. See the sample, below.

Record strengths and skills. In this case, Corbin demonstrates several skills and competencies.
Sample Discovery Profile skills/observation entry.  Click here to see a larger version.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Getting to Know You: Talking with People Who Know Your Job Seeker

“Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you.” 

Let’s all channel our inner Julie Andrews as we introduce you to interviewing people who know your job seeker well. (Okay, so technically she never played Anna in The King and I , but you get the picture!*)

Gertrude Lawrence as Anna in 1951
If you are a regular Shared Solutions reader (and we certainly hope you are), you’ve seen our two previous posts about two other types of Discovery interviewing: 1) meet and greet interviews and 2) informational interviews with potential employers. This post refers to a third type of interview, this time with people who can help you get a better picture of your job seeker’s interests and strengths.

This critical step in the Discovery process helps you learn more about the job seeker. Oftentimes, you can find out a lot more about a person’s strengths and skills from people who care about them or who have known them for a long time. As you get to know your job seeker, he or she may mention people they are close to or relationships that are important. Sometimes, you will have to ask your job seeker questions to identify these important people. Frequently, the people mentioned as being close to your job seeker are staff (paid); sometimes they are friends and relatives (unpaid). The next step in the process is to contact these individuals (with the job seeker’s permission). 

Choose both paid and unpaid individuals in the job seeker’s life. You will learn different attributes and hear about different experiences from these types of relationships. Also, make sure that these are positive people in the job seeker’s life, who have a vested interest in the job seeker. 

The following chart shows you guiding questions and quality indicators of interviews with people who know the job seeker well. You can find the entire Discovery Quality Indicators document at https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/styles/iidc/defiles/CCLC/Discovery%20translation%20chart_updated%20August%202016.pdf 

Guiding Questions
Quality Indicators

·        Those who are interviewed have a vested interest (positive) in the job seeker
·        ES identifies “lifelines,” both paid and non-paid people who are important in the job seeker’s life, and includes these people in interviews.
·        ES interviews people who know the job seeker well. These interviews should include those who are identified by the job seeker, as well as those who are not paid to support the job seeker.
·        ES engages in “Smooth Listening,” and asks questions at the appropriate time.
·        ES uses interviews to gain positive information including job seeker strengths and successes. ES does not capture negative or unhelpful information.
·        ES frames challenging needs in a positive supportive manner.
·        Unhelpful information is not kept or included in documentation (Discovery Profile).
·        ES finds or identifies skills and interests to use as a jumping off point for planning future activities.

How can you get the most out of an interview? 

Here are some tips:

  • Do your homework. Think about the questions you want to ask ahead of time. This may be related to why you are interviewing the person to begin with. Are you trying to learn about a particular interest or skill? Or just trying to learn more?
  • Ask open-ended questions.
  • Let the person you’re interviewing take the lead in the conversation.
  • Ask clarifying questions to learn more about specific skills and strengths.
  • Meet the person at a time and location that’s convenient for them. Sometimes this might mean meeting someone after they finish work for the day, or for coffee on their way into work! 

And, of course, we have a video example for you!

(Special thanks to Sherri Negri from Easterseals Crossroads and Wayne Soehnlin from Special Olympics for taking time to work on the video.)

What happens after you interview someone?

Document it! After each interview, take what you learn and complete the different sections that make sense in the Discovery Profile. For example, in the video Sherri verified that basketball and coaching are interests. She also identified skills and support strategies she will need to learn more about. You may also learn about barriers or non-negotiables that the person you are interviewing has identified. 

Interviewing others who know the job seeker well is billable through the Employment Services Model, so make sure you’ve captured that information in the Discovery Profile.

Use the information to plan next steps! 

Each Discovery activity should be building on what you learned from the last activity. Use what you learn in your interviews to inform future activities. For example, Sherri and Corbin may want to go and speak with coaches and people involved with basketball to learn more about what it takes to be a coach, and how to get paid to do it. (Note: These are great opportunities for informational interviews!) It would also be great if Corbin could demonstrate some of his skills in these areas, perhaps in a situational assessment. (Spoiler Alert: This will be the topic of our next Shared Solutions.)

*Okay, you musical geeks, yes Julie Andrews sang the part of Anna in The King and I for a 1992 Hollywood Bowl concert that co-starred Ben Kingsley.  And now you know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j2DZ7_xTJQ